Where Every Child's Story Shines, Every Wish is Heard, and Hope Never Stops Blooming.

The Silly Lily Foundation, a 501(c)(3), is a beacon of hope and joy for chronically and terminally ill children, celebrating their strength and beauty through the gift of storytelling. By providing donated Silly Lily children's books, the foundation ensures that these brave little souls see themselves represented in the tales they read, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment. Their heartfelt care packages offer comfort to children battling cancer and chronic illnesses, while also extending support to grieving parents during their most challenging times. What truly sets the Silly Lily Foundation apart is its commitment to granting wishes for individuals of all ages, because they understand that the desire to dream big knows no age limit. Additionally, they work tirelessly to enhance support and inclusion for medically complex children in schools and spread holiday cheer by delivering gifts to hospitals, reminding everyone that the spirit of giving shines brightly even in the toughest moments. Together, they create a community of love and support, proving that every wish deserves to be fulfilled!

What we do

  • Publish books specifically designed for chronically ill children, emphasizing themes such as resilience, emotional health, and self-worth.

  • Donates these books to chronically and terminally ill children globally.

  • Offers thoughtful care packages to children fighting cancer, chronic illness, or terminal illness.

  • Offers thoughtful bereavement care packages to parents.

  • Grants wishes for ALL ages. Sadly, most wish-granting organizations set a cutoff age of 18. However, at the Silly Lily Foundation, we believe that wishes should be granted regardless of age. After all, cancer, chronic conditions, and terminal illnesses do not discriminate based on age.

  • Supplies resources to schools to enhance their support and inclusion of medically complex children.

  • Distributes holiday gifts in hospitals, recognizing that cancer and chronic illnesses do not take a break during the holiday season.

    + more!!

About the Founder

Madison Holden, a 24-year-old woman, holds a Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education. Shortly after securing a teaching position for second grade, she faced a significant health setback.

Enduring a three-year journey of self-advocacy, she eventually received diagnoses for multiple rare diseases, profoundly altering her life. Transitioning from pursuing her dream job to relying on mobility aids, feeding tubes, and various other support, Madison's life took a drastic turn. Despite ongoing health challenges, her desire to support children persisted, leading her to conceive a way to impact young lives beyond the classroom setting.

Throughout her health odyssey, Madison developed a fervor for advocating on behalf of the chronically ill. Combining her innate creativity, love for teaching children, and dedication to supporting others, she created Silly Lily—a nonprofit venture dedicated to furnishing chronically ill children with tailor-made books at no cost. Silly Lily aims to offer young readers characters they can identify with, fostering moments of connection and representation that resonate deeply with these children.

Meet the Team

  • Madison Holden


  • Meredith Keller


  • Marin Holden


  • Matthew Pagnozzi


  • Peyton Jensen


  • Kaleigh Watkins


  • Natalie San Martin Photography


  • Emily Chandler


  • The Forsters


  • Rachel Cicchelli

    Care Packager

  • Carrigan Nelson

    Wish Granter

Upcoming Events

May 25th

OceanPointe Church
Middletown, RI

Silly Lily will be speaking at OceanPointe Church about our mission and creating cards for children.

October 11th

Broadway Fair
Newport, RI

Silly Lily will have a pop up tent at the Broadway Street Fair! Come visit us and meet the author!

Sep 19th-21st

Washington DC

The Silly Lily Foundation will be attending and tabling at CureFest.

Thank you to our amazing sponsors!